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Welcome to the Editorial Process page of the Universal Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care! This page provides an overview of the editorial workflow and the various stages your manuscript will undergo from submission to publication.

1. Initial Manuscript Assessment:
– Upon submission, your manuscript will undergo an initial assessment by the editorial office to ensure it meets the journal’s scope, guidelines, and ethical considerations. This includes checking for proper formatting, completeness, and adherence to ethical standards.
– If the manuscript passes the initial assessment, it will proceed to the next stage of the editorial process.

2. Peer Review:
– All manuscripts deemed suitable for further consideration will undergo a rigorous peer-review process. The journal follows a double-blind peer review system, where the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept confidential.
– Expert reviewers, selected based on their expertise in the field, will evaluate the scientific quality, methodology, significance, and originality of the manuscript. They will provide constructive feedback and recommendations to the editor.
– The review process typically takes several weeks, and authors will be notified of the outcome, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.

3. Revision and Resubmission:
– If revisions are requested, authors are expected to address the reviewers’ comments and make necessary revisions to improve the clarity, accuracy, and quality of the manuscript.
– Upon revision, authors should provide a detailed response to each reviewer’s comment and indicate the changes made in the revised version of the manuscript.
– Revised manuscripts will undergo reevaluation by the editor and, if necessary, another round of peer review.

4. Editorial Decision:
– Based on the reviewer feedback, the editor will make an informed decision regarding the acceptance, rejection, or further revision of the manuscript.
– The final decision may take into account factors such as scientific validity, originality, clarity, relevance to the field, and adherence to ethical guidelines.

5. Copyediting and Proofreading:
– Accepted manuscripts will undergo copyediting and proofreading to ensure language accuracy, clarity, and adherence to the journal’s style guidelines. This step may involve minor modifications to the manuscript text and figures.
– Authors may be contacted during this stage to clarify any ambiguities or provide additional information.

6. Publication:
– Once the manuscript has been copyedited and proofread, it will be published online in the « Current Issue » section of the journal’s website.
– The published manuscript will receive a unique identifier (e.g., DOI) for citation purposes.

Throughout the editorial process, authors can track the progress of their manuscript via the online submission system. The journal’s editorial office is available to provide updates and address any queries or concerns authors may have regarding their manuscript.

We strive to ensure a fair, timely, and transparent editorial process at the Universal Journal of Anaesthesia and Critical Care. We appreciate your contributions to the field and thank you for considering our journal as a platform for sharing your research.

Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial office.